board with life gen con richard miles

Board Game Celebs at Gen Con

While at Gen Con 2014 I was fortunate enough to meet a lot of great people, some of which will be friends for many years to come. I also met some industry influencers and geek culture celebrities, which was extremely awesome and exciting.

board with life gen con richard milesHere, I am with the cast of Board with Life. This was a chance meeting in the hall while they were waiting to do their panel. The encounter was flipping sweet. Everyone was nice, fun-loving, and full of energy. This chance encounter was definitely a highlight of Gen Con. It was easy to tell they are the type of people you want to hang out with.

mike mcvey richard miles gen conMike McVey of Studio McVey. I don’t think Mike McVey has an equal when it comes to miniature sculpting. The miniature figures that he creates are truly amazing. The game he is working on right now, The Others: 7 Sins, will be THE Kickstater to back. I’m going to do a dedicated post for The Others in the future, but I can already confirm that the minis for that game are nothing short of jaw dropping.

jamey stegmaier david chott richard milesDavid Chott, Richard Miles (me), and Jamey Stegmaier. David Chott is the designer for Lagoon: Land of Druids. He raised $147k on Kickstarter and had 3,503 backers, which is very impressive for a first time project creator. The game looks pretty sweet and I’m happy to be able to say I was a backer.
Most people reading my blog with know who Jamey Stegmaier is, but for those that don’t, he is the founder of Stonemaier Games and has raised over $800,000 on Kickstarter. His blog has been referred to as the Kickstarter Bible and is THE go to place for anyone wanting to launch a Kickstarter campaign. He is a super nice guy in person as well.

peter wocken richard miles gen conI also got to meet, and play the game I am working on, with other creators, graphic designers, and industry professionals.  I really enjoyed being able to sit down over a pint of dark beer and hash out some of the details of the game with these respected individuals. This is just another cool perk of the Gen Con experience.

And of course, I met a lot of other nice and interesting people during Gen Con but I didn’t always have my camera ready and/or a friend close by to snap a picture. Some say gaming is about people, and with the awesome connections I made at Gen Con I couldn’t agree more.

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