For board gamers, Gen Con is an amazing place. While browsing the convention floor last year, I bumped into Bruno Cathala, who was checking out Mysterium like everyone else. It is fun meeting people from the industry. For those that might not know, Bruno has the following game design credits:
2005: Shadows over Camelot (with Serge Laget)
2006: Mr. Jack (with Ludovic Maublanc)
2006: Cleopatra and the Society of Architects (with Ludovic Maublanc)
2006: Wicked Witches Way (with Serge Laget)
2008: Senji (with Serge Laget)
2008: Mow
2009: Dice Town (with Ludovic Maublanc)
2009: Cyclades (with Ludovic Maublanc)
2014: Five Tribes
2014: Abyss (with Charles Chevallier)
2015: 7 Wonders: Duel (with Antoine Bauza)
A lot of those games are very popular and have flown off the shelves. Since I play a lot of two player games with my wife, 7 Wonders: Duel is high on my list of favorite games.
What is your favorite game by Bruno Cathala?
Bruno Cathala is a very interesting designer, especially since he chooses to co-design many of his games. I’ve really enjoyed most of his games that I’ve played, but my favorite is Dice Town.
Two heads are better than one, I guess.