Going to try to recall everyone I met at Origins Game Fair this year. To help jog your memory, I was wearing a Board Game Authority sign.
Seth Hiatt of Mayday Games. I met Seth at his booth and thanked him for the advice he gives relating to Kickstarter and board game publishing in general.
Kiva Fecteau – first bumped into Kiva at the Kosmos booth, then ran into her again near the Board Room.
William Niebling – Board Game Editor Extraordinaire.
Isaac Shalev & Matt Loomis – brief exchange in the exhibitor area.
Joey Vigour of Mirror Box Games. I had to tell him how fantastic Chaosmos is. Seriously, go buy this game.
Gil Hova of Formal Ferret Games. Gil was forced into some playtesting, to which he had excellent insight and feedback.
Andrew Federspiel of Knapsack Games. Apotheca is coming to Kickstarter on June 16th. Great artwork and gameplay make this an auto pledge.
Richard Bliss of Funding the Dream. I briefly interrupted Richard in mid-game to tell him I was a fan.
JR Honeycutt of The Nerd Nighters (DFW Nerd Night) and Community Manager at Level 99 Games. Bumped into JR while leaving the Board Room.
Colby Dauch of Plaid Hat Games. Colby was nice enough to answer some questions for my podcast.
Emerson Matsuuchi of Nazca Games. After demoing Specter Ops, I cornered Emerson into doing a recording for my podcast.
Sen-Foong Lim and Daryl Andrews of the Meeple Syrup Show. We crashed their dinner while they were eating at Barley’s.
Michael Lohr who put together the Designer Speed Dating event. Got to play The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire with Michael.
Cynthia Landon of Meeple Source. Cynthia is probably the only person on this list that didn’t see my awesome Board Game Authority sign. I bumped into Cynthia while waiting in line for breakfast one morning.
Chevee Dodd designer of Scallywags and Pull! Chevee had nothing but great things to say about the prototype for Armor & Ash. Great things I tell you (it’s possible it was all sarcasm).
Ken Grazier of Geek-Craft.com Ken was nice enough to playtest Armor & Ash and not be sarcastic (see above).
Chris Zinsli of Cardboard Edison. Got to talk briefly with Chris while he was waiting to play Flip the Script.
Clint Miller of Oil & Rope and co-creator of Paperize.
I feel like I’m forgetting a lot of folks, and if so, I apologize. If you should have made this list but didn’t, you have my permission to slug me in the arm at Gen Con.